Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Extreme Hockey Gear Testing

I backed the Chevy Suburban over my hockey bag.

I was bringing almost 3 year old John, my grandson, to an ice rink.  I loaded up the bag with skates, helmets, elbow and shin pads; threw it behind the locked truck, then ran and got John loaded in. When we got to the rink I realized my mistake. One might think I would have felt us go over the bag, but, no, in four wheel drive Reverse is always bumpy.  
I feared the worst as I drove back home. With dismay I saw tire tracks covering the bag.  However, the protective gear did what it was suppose to, and looked none the worse for having 1 1/2 tons of truck roll over it.  Except my very old shin pads. The right one got a little squished but actually fits much better.  Naturally one wishes to look slim in addition to symmetrical while playing hockey, so I am considering  running over the left one as well.          ©12/2011  Jana B Patrick
Kids catch on fast--see above, then this is John's next time out on the ice!


  1. As usual, very entertaining, Jana!! Keep 'em coming! jl

  2. This is a good one!

  3. oh no! I'm glad everything is okay hahah. Good story :)

  4. “Naturally….” sp

  5. Wow, my shin pads don't seem to be fitting well. Maybe I'll try that with my Toyota Sequoia. -Lynda Stelter, Monday CWS league
