Monday, July 2, 2012

Twas the Night Before the American Revolution

Okay, I wrote this in college.  Must have been during a very boring lecture on Calculus or something.

Twas the night before the Revolution and all thru the town
Colonists were stirring against the British crown.

The Declaration was written and all signed with care
In hopes King George‘s army wouldn't have a prayer.

The Patriots were hunkered, all smug in their cause
With visions of freedom writ in each clause.

Soon out in the colonies there arose such a clatter
The Redcoats shocked to find out what was the matter.

Away to the war Patriots flew like a flash
To tear up the battle field, an enemy to smash.

When what to their wondering eyes should appear
But a Minuteman regiment; thirteen colonies cheered.

More rapid than eagles the horse and riders they came.
And now to recall the instigators by name:

Now Hancock, Adams, Ben Franklin and Lee
Now Wilson, Witherspoon, Ross and Ellery

On Taylor, Clymer, Morris and Morton
On Rush, Smith, Harrison, Rodney and Thorton

Now Gwinnet, Hooper, Wilton and more;
56 signers began a treasonous war!

On the Fourth of July, in Independence Hall
They Signed it, signed it, signed it all!

(P.S.  I dropped out of Calculus...)
©7/4/2012  Jana B Patrick


  1. You say it's corny, I LOVE it....Thanks love ya Gert

  2. That is great! You should enter that somewhere. R

  3. Love it! Nice work!
