Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tune in, Turn on, Drop Out

I haven't watched TV on my own in over 20 years.  I can't.  I don't know how to turn it on.  Even if I did, I couldn't navigate the remote.  'Surf the channels?'  I would drown.

Even if I COULD turn it on, I don't think I would like the content--I would miss the old shows.  A modern 'Leave it to Beaver' would have a whole different meaning...  'The Lone Ranger' today would be about a psychopathic serial killer.  'Father Knows Best': What kid now would seriously EVER watch that? They'd think, "Dad knows sh!t"  or "who IS Dad?"

I'll stick with the hockey and baseball games when my family tunes in.  The only changes there are that the players look younger and younger each year...  
Yippee that the Minnesota Wild just signed Zach Parise and Ryan Suter--I'll be watching!
©7/2012  Jana B Patrick