Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Paging Mike to Lingerie!

I wrote a blog about bursting my JC Penney  bra while in 7th grade: http://janasrandomwriting.blogspot.com/2011/03/day-i-burst-my-bra-or-big-bust.html 
Below is an email sent from my friend, Mike, in response to that blog:

Ok...so here is my JC Penney bra story:   I was assistant store manager several years ago. We were doing Bra Fit Week, and I jokingly said at the morning store meeting that if that department gets swamped..call me and I'll help out. 

Lo and behold I got a call to come to the Lingerie Department about 10:15 a.m.       I arrived and was told a man with "breasts" wanted to have a fitting and was serious.  I didn't ask him too many questions because of privacy concerns and was a little fearful that this was a "setup" from some activist movement testing to see if we would "accommodate". (Not sure if  there is an activist movement on mens bra fittings!!) 
He filled out a bra fit card with name, address and phone number and under 'comments' his biggest problem with his bra was "chaffing around the shoulder straps".  Our biggest problem was do we let him use the womens fitting room or walk him over to the mens. I said let him use the womens and keep everyone else out--which we did. He left buying 3 bras and spent $85. I still remember he was a skinny guy but he measured a 34 B  which to me was impressive!!!

Mike      ©2011