Saturday, December 25, 2010

Random Writing...

I got the coolest Christmas present ever from my daughter, Lauren!

I opened an apparently empty gift box and saw the following note:  “Look in the snow under baby Jesus.”  I rummaged under the stained glass manger scene and after disturbing his slumber, my next note said to go “look in Sabo’s ( our dog) favorite place to nap when waiting for you to come home.”  Naturally I ran to the mudroom and looked in an open, reeking hockey bag—no note; so I looked in another favorite spot, the nearby closet littered with old backpacks covered in dog hair.  “Zamboni” was etched across the note.  Now, I am the Zamboni  for our backyard rink, but all of my apparatus is in the basement –hoses, plumbing, rink rake etc.  So there I ran and that note said, “Go to where you compose emails when you have insomnia.” Bounding up to the office I saw the following on my desktop Dell:  "Go to"

Lauren created this writing blog for me as a gift—is that awesome or what???!!!!

Please check out my writing blog each Tuesday as I post some random writing. Feel  free to pass it on to others.   I love this gift!



  1. Yay!! Lauren, this was an excellent idea!!! Jana, I can't wait to read more of your 'randoms' ;D Love this!

  2. I LOVE IT!! What a cute gift. Can't wait to read more! Oh and Merry Christmas!!:)

  3. This is such a cool Christmas're going to love it even more than you can imagine! I can't wait to follow your posts :)
