Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Berry Clever, Caroline!

My daughter-in-law, Caroline, is quite the ladder climber--4 promotions in as many weeks after starting in sales with a dermatology company.  As her husband says, "People like her!"  I believe she was born with the 'getting ahead' gene.

Today she told us about how, when she was in first grade, the smartest girl in the class was also named Caroline.  So our Caroline( Lais) would do her hated school worksheets and sign 'Caroline Berry' at the top hoping that the really smart Caroline would simply write 'Caroline.'  The theory was that our Caroline would then get the really good grade that the other Caroline earned.

The teacher saw right through this.  Especially since the allegedly smarter Caroline spelled her last name 'Barri.'

 A plug for our Caroline ;)
For a career with Rodan and Fields: 
For clinically proven products: https://carolinepatrick.myrandf.com

1 comment:

  1. Jana, this is a great post! Thank you for all the support for my Rodan + Fields business! Here is a link to more info about our products and the company. I love that I have been able to partner with the doctors that created Proactiv! :)
