Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A World Gone Batty

Brian vs. the Bats:  6 Games to Zero.  
A friend of ours recently played tennis against bats in his cabin.  "Love" may have been his score, but certainly wasn't his sentiment toward his opponents.
So, he called an exterminator.
Who said he couldn't help him.
Because bats have babies this time of year.
And therefore are legally protected.
Brian, an avid hunter and bearer of arms, can legally shoot a human intruder but the trespassing bats are protected.  
(Who is really running this country anyway???) 

P.S.  Rats and mice are lobbying for equal treatment under the law.  
©8/2012  Jana B Patrick

1 comment:

  1. My friend had to get the series of rabies shots because a bat flew into her hair, while she was cleaning her deck. They don't take any chances with bats, 'cuz most carry the disease. How do bats get rights?? I wonder what the wolves did to deserve their bad luck this year?
