Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell

We were laughing about a TV laxative ad that skirted around the issue, not really coming out and saying “this stuff really gets your sh!t moving!”  But it DID say, “You be in charge of when you go!”  What?  Do they include a cork? 
And why name it ‘Colace’ or ‘Glycolax’ or ‘Correctol?’   Call it what it is: ‘Poop-Eze', or ‘Sh!t Happens’ or ‘The Log Shoot.’  (The latter would also work for an erectile dysfunction product)  Another actual name is ‘Fleet Pedia-Lax Watermelon Saline Laxative’…If it’s the size of a watermelon, honey, you’re in BIG trouble…

Who names products anyway?  How about the adult diaper ‘Depends’.  Depends on what?  If you remember to put one on??  “Oops—sorry about your new sofa…I thought I had put on—oh never mind.”

Or 'Joy' dishwashing liquid? Joy? HA! (what man came up with that name?) How about 'Dove' soap? Like I'd wash my face with soap named after a bird. We all know how clean they are. And it's white. I do NOT want to know what's in it.

I'll leave you with this thought:  Whether your day is Joyful Depends on if there's some good sh!t happening...or...or.. if it already HAS happened...when you decided it should.
©2011, Jana B. Patrick

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