I hiked Pinnacle Peak in Arizona last week, and, as I do with any physical activity I am not in shape for, I allowed my mind to wander so as to ignore the death rattle that my breathing had become.
I decided to notice the other hikers. One had on some ladies sensible dress shoe pumps--not so sensible on a rocky, gravelly mountain, but much more sensible than the rhinestone studded high heal sandals one of my sisters sported on the same trail some years back.
I noticed an 80 year old guy wearing a "BEAT ARMY" T-shirt racing up and down the five mile mountain trail. When I commented on seeing him again, he said it was his third lap that morning. Show off. Probably told his great-grandkids about passing up all of us losers...
I also noticed one out-of-shape laggard that stopped every 25 yards or so to supposedly 'check her I-Pod.' Sure. I noticed this because I was keeping pace just behind the slacker. Since I don't have an I-Pod, I merely would stop and check my moles to see if any had suddenly turned cancerous.
Now I am back in flat Minnesota treading the monotonous elliptical and wondering how in the world that lady ahead of me got into the spray-on camo spandex...and why the over-the-hill guy over there thinks short shorts are remotely attractive. I really have to get an I-Pod.
©10/2012 Jana B. Patrick, janasrandomwriting.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteMade me laugh out loud! Maybe Santa will bring you an iPod for Christmas...