Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Moving Sale: 25 Years Worth of Sh!t

We saw the above sign while in Arizona last winter.  Pretty funny. Sure wish we had gone to the sale--we've had fun thinking of things we would like to have said:

"Hey, you've got some really good sh!t here."

"Look!  They got some Collectors sh!t over there!""

"Wow!  Great prices for good sh!t like this!"

"Would you take ten bucks for that sh!t?"

"Does this piece of sh!t work?"

"How much do you want for that pile of sh!t over there?"

"Hey man, you got any, you know, car sh!t...or yard sh!t...or any kinda tool sh!t?"

"I wonder if this sh!tload will fit in my car.

"Buy that for the kids--They love playing with sh!t like that."

"Look at that old sh!t.  They just don't make sh!t the way they used to"

"Oh, look!  Here's a box of FREE sh!t!"
©5/2012  Jana B Patrick

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